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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Diet is just DIE with a T on the End

Someone once said the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. Not true. Mine was paved with pasta and brie, and the flagmen were passing out cupcakes along the way...I kid you not! And so begins yet another journey down the weight loss trail, but things are different this time, mostly because we're calling it a "lifestyle change." No more yo-yos. We'll see.

The plan: The Six Week Body Makeover.

The goal: to be healthy (having a goal weight seems so dated ;)

I know "Six Week Body Makeover" sounds gimmicky (and the promos are in fact cheesy), but it truly seems to be a decent short-term plan packaged with a long term maintenance plan... a moderate exercise regime is tucked in for good measure. Most diets focus on short-term results, but this one provides guidance for healthy living beyond the initial plan. Living Lean, they call it. Now, I'm not here to promote this product or even to review it...just putting it out there. Sorta like this blog. I'm only a few days in at this point anyway, and mostly because I need the structure.

Clearly I've reached that point where enough is enough. I'm completely out of shape. Nothing fits, and I've gone up at least four sizes in the last five years. Oh, and let's just say, at size 12, I wasn't exactly skinny to start (though I was in pretty good shape physically).

Then a new beau enters the picture, physical activities grind to a screeching halt, and nesting begins. You know the drill. I love to cook, he loves to eat...a match made in heaven! Morgan and I met on a ski trip. Of course, now, neither of us fit in our ski clothes, let alone ski. Fortunately (or unfortunately as the case may be) he's on the diet too. So, here we are. For better or for worse, through highs, lows, and cookie-deprivation mood swings... change begins NOW.